Friday, May 16, 2014

Introducing Guest Writer: Ray Mas

How is everyone this evening? My name is  Ray, and I'm addicted to Volkswagen and Audis. I live in Northern Virginia, and I'm in my early/mid 20's. Let's take a look at the cars, shall we?

 I've always loved cars, and it all started with one of these:

It was a 1997 Volkswagen Jetta GT (Not mine pictured). ​It was slow, unrefined and smelled like something had died inside of it. Growing up in rural Mississippi, I wasn't exactly the most popular guy for having the only German car in the school lot. If car hell was a thing, that car would have lived through it.

​After keeping the Jetta for much longer than I probably should have, My family and I moved to Northern Virginia. It was here that I accidentally murdered my Jetta, and was forced to drive a relatives automatic, light green Beetle. Wonderful.

After that ordeal, I impulsively made the decision to buy a used 2.0T A4. Not exactly my best decision ever. Quite a lot went wrong with it, some of which was under warranty. Some of which ended up out of my pockets. Everything involving oil went wrong. I carried around a cardboard box filled to the top with oil bottles in my trunk at all times.

​After whatever previously happened with my 2.0T A4, for some reason I decided to buy an even older one. It was a 12v, 2.8, 5 Speed manual,  with 150,000 on the clock. But it still has Quattro. It meant more money, and less stuff that I don't understand. This less to a noticeably larger motorcycle budget and deeper modification pockets. It's seemingly reliable from first impressions. It leaks a bit of oil, and has different sized mirrors on each side. Yes, the drivers side mirror is bigger than the other. The Germans say deal with it.

As you can probably see, I'm addicted. The third Volkswagen brand product draws the line, I'm at the point of no return, and so is my wallet. Which highly concerns me about my decision making process. Either way, I'll keep you guys posted.

~ Ray

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